

How did the Chinese came up with the compass?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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first they came up with magnetics and well then they put it in to use

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Q: How did the Chinese came up with the compass?
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Where did compass come from?

It came from Chinese scholars.

How is the Chinese compass different to the one right now?

The Chinese compass points south. But the modern compass points north.

What did the Chinese compass look like in 1996?

What did the chinese compass look like in 1898

Where did the compass come from?

The compass rose has appeared on charts and maps since the 1300's, the term comes from the figure's compass points that represent the petals of a rose. It was first used to indicate the direction of the wind and was known as a 'wind rose'. The 32 points on the compass came from the direction of the winds.

Which Chinese inventor invented the compass?

No one knows. All we know is that the Chinese and Europeans helped to make the Chinese compass.

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the compass came first

Who was compass?

well the first person to make the compass was the chinese.

What is an instrument invented by the Chinese to show direction?

The Magnetic Compass.

Do the Chinese still use the Chinese compass?

Yes they do. The Chinese compass,also known as Luopan in Chinese,is used in Fengshui process,a way to determine a building's site,point,etc.

How did the Chinese make the compass?


Which Chinese invention revolutionized maritime navigation?

The compass. The ancient Chinese invented the compass and revolutionized maritime (ocean / water) navigation.

What did the Chinese invent that helped them on their explorations?

The Chinese invented the compass during the Han Dynasty. A compass is used to locate cardinal and intermediate directions.