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While not being able to end the Depression, the New Deal did preserve the people's confidence in America's institutions and government. The relief measures of the New Deal were considered a success.

Not everyone supported the New Deal. As a formula for economic recovery, the New Deal failed. Many businessmen and financiers did not support the economic measures of the New Deal. With the recession of 1937, many business leaders and politicians claimed that FDR's policies were a failure and the attempt to maintain prosperity during peacetime was not successful at all. One of the most successful of the New Deal legislation was the CCC. The NIRA also aided the economy until it was declared unconstitutional.

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6mo ago

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his New Deal played a crucial role in alleviating the Great Depression. One example is the establishment of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), which provided employment for young men through conservation projects. Another example is the creation of the Works Progress Administration (WPA), which employed millions of workers to carry out public works projects, such as building infrastructure and developing cultural programs. These initiatives not only provided job opportunities but also stimulated economic recovery and revitalized communities across the country.

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Q: How did the Franklin Delano Roosevelt and newdeal help with the great depression give two examples in detail?
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