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They began to bomb london and other cities

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Q: How did the Germans change their tactics in preparing for operation sea lion?
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Where did the World War 2 blitz happen why?

The Blitz in WW2 refers to the bombing of London & other principal British cities & ports. This was due to a change of emphasis in the attack by the Luftwaffe against the RAF. Had they but known they were actually winning the fight against the RAF by bombing the airfields in SE England. By bombing the industrial targets as they saw them the Germans gave the RAF time to reorganise & change tactics, hopefully the Germans thought,reducing the civillian will to continue in the war. This simply was not the case then, nor was it when the British & US bombed Germany later in the war. (Which raises the question why try to destroy the German civillian will to resist when the Germans were unable to reduce the British ?) The trerm Blitz should not be confused with Blitzkreig which is the 'Lightning war', a combination of Panzer and Luftwaffe tactics.

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They are preparing for a new season, if their leaves are getting brown and red they are preparing for fall and the loss of those leaves.

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The idea of terror tactics is to scare the public into believing that a government can't protect them. Some people use these tactics in an act of desperation to get their point across.

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No, a sex change operation would not be possible using just scissors. That is, not a complete one.

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There are a great many Germans that wear hats. There is no exact percentage or number as people change their preferences.

Was propaganda useful for Germans?

Yes, because they needed to reach all Germans and change their point of few on Jews and gain their support.

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i don't remember can you please tell me

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