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Q: How did the Grand Canal helped Yangdi to expand his empire?
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Did Emperor Yangdi build the Grand Canal?

yes the Yangdi built the Grand Canal and i was his most ambitious project

Which man came up with the plan of interconnecting waterways of the Grand Canal that helped unite China?

the grand canal was united during the Sui Dynasty. the second person named Yangdi united them to make the north and south feel like one.

Who built the Grand Canal?

it was built in 1869 exact date dont know ask someone else. Why did the Chinese built the Grand Canal? 2. In Brief, the ...

How were Yangdi and Taizong different as rulers?

Taizong gave land to farmers and brought peace and order to the countryside. Yangdi focused on building the great wall and the grand canal but took more money from farmers so they revolted.

What role did technology play in the construction of the panama canal and empire building?

Technology helped the construction of the Panama Canal and the Empire Building happen faster. Technology also reduced the need for extra labor during construction.

What connected Yellow River and Yangtze River?

They are both in China. *** The Grand Canal built by Emperor Yang Jian and his son Emperor Sui Yangdi. ***

what are the differences between Wendi and Yangdi?

Wendi of Sui founded Sui Dynasty while Yangdi of Sui ended Sui Dynasty. Nevertheless, Wendi had also made some great achievements such as the Great Canal, but that's exactly what destroyed his governance -- Overexploiting resources, as well as corruption.

Who was responsible for building the Grand Canal?

The Zhou Dynasty started the construction.Then,Yangdi of the Sui Dynasty expanded the Grand Canal.During the Yuan dynasty,some waterways were added.

What canal was built after the roman empire split?

Most canals were built after the Roman Empire split, for example the Suez Canal, the Panama Canal, and the Erie Canal.

What is the significance of the Erie Canal?

The significance of the Erie Canal is that it helped settle the Midwest.

Why was the Erie Canal famous?

The Erie Canal was famous because it was a big impact on the Empire State. It made New York City and New York state grow. It also helped many immigrants go from New York City to the Midwest.

What was the Sui dynasty's major engineering accomplishments?

Yangdi built the first Grand Canal, a waterway for shipping grain and other products. It extended almost 1,200 miles (1,930 kilometers), from Hangzhou to Luoyang to near Beijing.