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movable type on a printing press

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The Gutenberg press allowed for the mass production of printed materials, making it easier and more affordable to distribute ideas and information. This helped spread the key ideas of the Reformation quickly and widely, allowing them to take root among the general population. It also empowered individuals to have direct access to religious texts, fostering greater interpretation and discussion of religious beliefs.

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Q: How did the Gutenberg press first help that reformation take root?
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How did printing press help new ideas spread?

It Helped it by new invention of printing press, that was developed by gutenberg.

Who invented the advance printing press?

German goldsmith, Johannes Gutenberg made the first printing press in 1440. It was a manual press but his great achievement was to put together a complete process to prepare and print pages. Within a few decades, his and other presses had spread across the whole of Europe and beyond.

What was Gutenberg's key innovations how did it help?

Johannes Gutenberg's key innovation was the development of the movable-type printing press around 1440. This invention revolutionized the production of books by allowing for faster and more efficient printing, making books more affordable and accessible to the general public. It also played a crucial role in the spread of ideas and knowledge during the Renaissance and Reformation periods.

Who invented the printing press and how did it help people?

Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the printing press around 1440. The printing press revolutionized the way information was shared by enabling the mass production of books and other documents. It played a key role in the spread of knowledge, literacy, and the Protestant Reformation.

How did Johannes Gutenberg influence the renaissance?

Johannes Gutenberg created the print and press which help produced a lot of books. Since they where easier to make they became cheaper too. Soon people learn to read and write it also created an interest in Humanism.

What did Johann Gutenberg invent and how and why did his invention help spread ideas?

Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 15th century. This invention revolutionized communication by allowing for the mass production of books and other printed materials. The printing press enabled the faster and cheaper dissemination of ideas, leading to the widespread distribution of knowledge and information across Europe.

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It depends how you define missionary. Gutenberg printed the first Bible. The bible was printed by Gutenberg under the direction and with the help of the Catholic Church. i feel that the decision to make the bible the first book they printed was a rather "missionary" move of all of them.

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How did the printing press help spread the Protestant Reformation?

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