

How did the Holocaust start in Germany?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Hitler hated anything that was not his race, specifically Jews, and others such as Gipsies, Gays, retards, and disabled peoples. So he started a rumble a.k.a. war!

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16y ago
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Q: How did the Holocaust start in Germany?
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Germany planned and carried out the Holocaust.

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The Holocaust took place in all territory under German control. It didn't start in one place and then "spread" in the way the question seems to suggest.

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There were no elections in Germany in the Holocaust.

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By the start of the Holocaust the (affected) Jews had already suffered many years of discrimination, most Jews in Poland were in ghettos, Jews in Germany had most of their rights taken away from them.

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Germany's name never changed during the Holocaust.

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Was the Holocaust in Europe or Germany?

Germany is in Europe, anyway.The Holocaust - the extermination of the Jews - was maonly carried out in Poland.

Who ruled Germany during the holocaust besides Hitler?

Hitler was the sole ruler of Germany during the Holocaust.