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The influx of liberal ideas led to increased emphasis on individual rights, freedoms, and equality. It also sparked movements for social justice, political reform, and democracy. However, it also created political polarization and challenges as traditional norms and values were questioned and re-evaluated.

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Q: How did the Influx of Liberal Ideas affect the country and its people?
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How did the flow of liberal ideas from Europe and other parts of the world influence the Filipino nationalism?

The flow of liberal ideas from Europe and other parts of the world influenced Filipino nationalism by providing intellectual frameworks and inspiration for resistance against Spanish colonial rule. Concepts like democracy, freedom, and equality promoted by liberal ideologies fueled the desire for self-governance and independence among Filipinos, leading to movements like the Propaganda Movement and Katipunan. The ideas of liberal thinkers such as Rizal, Mabini, and Bonifacio helped shape the nationalist sentiments of the Filipino people.

What is the country with the most people?

The country with the most people is China, with a population of over 1.4 billion.

Why do you think Spain introduced several liberal reforms in the Philippines?

Spain introduced several liberal reforms in the Philippines in the 19th century due to pressure from local uprisings, calls for modernization, and the desire to improve governance in its colonies. These reforms aimed to address issues such as corruption, inequality, and inefficient administration by granting more rights and freedoms to the Filipino people.

Bayan ko was a people power song that stirred your hearts song with deep love of country How do you show your love of country?

I show my love for my country by being an active and responsible citizen. This includes participating in community service, voting in elections, respecting the laws, supporting local businesses, and promoting unity and diversity among fellow citizens.

What does Filipinas mean?

"Filipinas" is the Spanish word for the Philippines, which is a country in Southeast Asia. It is often used to refer to the country's people, culture, or language.

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the conditions in the country side affect these neighborhoods, because do that the people of the country go to the country neighborhood for find job, have a better live etc. do that the services of the country finish

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the conditions in the country side affect these neighborhoods, because do that the people of the country go to the country neighborhood for find job, have a better live etc. do that the services of the country finish

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What does the word influx mean?

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That one country's issues can affect another country

Is Ireland a conservative or liberal country?

Conservative. It is more conservative than liberal but is nowhere near as conservative as the U.S.A. Irish people are very centrist and reject very left-wing or right-wing politics.

When was People's Liberal Democratic Party created?

People's Liberal Democratic Party was created in 2006.