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Q: How did the Kansas-Nebrasksa Act contribute to tension between the North and the South?
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Reform movement that caused tension between North and South?


What reform movement caused the greatest tension between the North and South?

The Abolitionist Movement!

What caused tension between the north and the south?

California's application for statehood.

How did Uncle Tom's Cabin contribute to the tension between the North and South?

It was a best-selling novel read by many Northerners who had not taken much interest in slavery before, and brought many new recruits to the cause of Abolitionism, helping to organise the Underground Railroad.

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After being declared official ambassador of Rock & Roll, James Brown's wailing vocal attack on Harpers Ferry was greeted with jubalation in both North and South. John Brown's attack and its effect on the tension between North and South is another story.

What novel created tension between the North and the South?

the book: Uncle Toms Cabin by: Harriet Beecher Stowe

How did Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin contribute to hostilities between the north and south?


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How did john browns attack on harpers ferry increase tension between the north and south?

The South identified Abolitionism with violent revolution.

How did John Brown attack on Harpers Ferry increase tension between the north and south?

The South identified Abolitionism with violent revolution.

How did john brown's attack on Harpers ferry increase tension between the north and the south?

The South identified Abolitionism with violent revolution.

How did john brown attack on harpers ferry increase tension between the north and the south?

The South identified Abolitionism with violent revolution.