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Q: How did the Logan family get their land from the book roll of thunder?
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How much land does the Logan family own in roll of thunder?

The Logan family in "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" own 400 acres of land. It is a source of pride and independence for them in the face of racism and economic hardship.

To whom did the Logan's land belong before grandpa bought it in the roll of thunder?

The Logan's land originally belonged to the Granger family before Mr. Logan purchased it. The Grangers are a wealthy white family who have been involved in the financial and social affairs of the black community in Mississippi.

How did the logans get their land in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry?

The Logan family inherited their land in "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" from their grandfather. He purchased the land after the Civil War when it was no longer being used by the plantation owner. The Logan family worked hard to maintain and protect their land from white people who wanted to take it away.

Who wants to buy land from big ma roll of thunder hear my cry?

The Wallaces, a group of white men who are active in the local land market, were interested in buying land from Big Ma in the book "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry." They used intimidation and manipulation tactics to pressure the Logan family into selling their land at unfair prices.

How did the Logan family get their land?

The Logan family inherited their land from their grandfather, who bought it after emancipation. The land was originally owned by the Granger family, who were white landowners in the area.

Mr granger threatens the logans in chapter 7 what was the threat in roll thunder here your cry?

Mr. Granger threatens to foreclose on the Logan family's land if they don't stop helping the black community in Chapter 7 of "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry." He uses his power and influence as a white landowner to intimidate and control the Logan family.

How did the Logan family get their land and what crop do they raise?

their land is mortgaged and they raised cotton.

What papers did big ma sign in roll of thunder here your cry?

Big Ma signed the papers to release the land mortgage on the Logan family's farm in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. She also signed a paper acknowledging that the land was now in her name, as was the tradition in the 1930s due to racial discrimination.

How did uncle hammer and the Logan's surprise the Wallace's From roll of thunder?

Uncle Hammer and the Logan family surprised the Wallace's by presenting them with a fake deed to their land, making them believe they had lost their ownership. This confrontation exposed the Wallace's unethical behavior and put them in a position of vulnerability.

What does papa mean when he says the notes been called on the Logan land in roll of thunder hear my cry?

When Papa mentions that the note has been called on the Logan land, he is referring to the fact that they are in danger of losing their land because they owe money that they cannot currently pay back. This is a severe threat to their family's well-being and the security of their home.

Why is the land so important to the Logan's roll of thunder hear my cry?

The land is important to the Logan family because it represents their independence and self-sufficiency. Owning land gives them a sense of pride and security, as well as a connection to their family history. Additionally, the land serves as a symbol of resistance against the racial injustices they face in the community.

Who is harlan granger in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry?

Harlan Granger is a white landowner in "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" by Mildred D. Taylor. He is known for his unfair and greedy treatment of the black sharecroppers in the community, including the Logan family. Granger represents the oppressive power structure that the Logans must navigate and resist.