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Q: How did the Monroe Doctrine established in 1823 play a role in the US declaring war on Spain in 1898?
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What region did the us claim to protect in the monroe doctrine?

France & Spain

Why did the US proclaim the monroe doctrine?

Even though British and US interests were at odds many times in the 19th century, Britain did support the Monroe Doctrine. In about 1820 the only colonial empire that could rival Britain's was that of Spain. Britain did not want Spain to reconquer its empire in the Americas, which had recently become independent. As a result, Britain supported the Monroe Doctrine in order to prevent this possible Spanish territorial reconquest.

What were James Monroe achievements?

1.Issued the Monroe Doctrine which was apart of the 19th century foreign policy. 2.Made the Adams-Onis Treaty which gave the U.S. Florida from Spain.

Which European nations were upset at the monroe doctrine?

Probably Spain and Portugal because of Their colonies in Latin America

What Monroe Doctrine?

By the 1820's most Latin America country's had declared their independence from Spain president Monroe feared Spain would try to take back its colonies on December 2,1823, the united states issued the Monroe doctrine. it warned foreign country's against establishing new colonies in America . It started that any influence in Latin America would be considered a hostile act against the united state's . the Monroe doctrine remains in effect today.

Did the Monroe Doctrine's effectiveness in preventing the restoration of Spain's colonies depend upon British naval supremacy?

Yes. The British were the only world power with a navy of significant enough strength to enforce the Monroe Doctrine. If the US tried to enforce the Monroe Doctrine, the Spanish fleet would have easily crushed the nascent US Navy.

What four incidents arousing anti-Spain sentiment in the US?

Four incidents that aroused anti-Spain sentiments in the US included the explosion of the Maine, distribution of propaganda against Spain, anti-Spain newspaper articles, and the signing of the Monroe Doctrine. At 9:40pm on February 15, 1898, the battleship USS Maine exploded in a Havana Harbor. The Monroe Doctrine was a US foreign policy regarding Latin American countries in the early 19th century.

Which two European nations most resented the Monroe Doctrine?

I'd go with France and Spain, the two European nations with the power and desire to continue colonizing the Americas. Ironically, the U.S. didn't have the naval power to enforce the Monroe Doctrine at the time in was enacted and was relying on Britain to do it for them--and Britain did, because they didn't want France or Spain to gain any more power.

How did the Monroe doctrine impact president William McKinley's decision to stay neutral or join the war?

Spain ruled Cuba but the Cubans revolted. There was a lot of US sentiment in favor of the Cuban rebels. It was something of a stretch to apply the Monroe Doctrine to Spain's efforts to maintain control of Cuba, but the US did send the battleship Maine down to Cuba with no clear purpose.

What events led to the creation of the Monroe doctrine?

The Quadruple Alliance has discussed a plane to help Spain regain American holdings.

What events or beliefs provoked the president to issue the Monroe Doctrine in 1823?

France intended to intervene in Latin America to make it possible for Spain to recover her colonies there.

What presidential statement warned Europe to stay out of the Americas?

not to help Spain win back its colonies in Latin America.