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Q: How did the Monroe doctrine protect American interests in south America?
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What document said the US would use force to protect its interests in Latin America?

Monroe Doctrine.

What was Roosevelt corollary an extension of?

The Roosevelt Corollary was an extension of the Monroe Doctrine. It meant that the US had the right to protect their financial interests in South America.

What did roosevelt mean when he said he would support the Monroe doctrine?

C. he would use U.S. forces to protect American interests in the Western Hemisphere.

What is official American policy that stated that disorder in Latin America could force the US to send its military into Latin American nations to protect America?

monroe doctrine

Roosevelt Corollary?

Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force

What did Woodrow Wilson believe was the obligation of the US policy toward Latin America?

# United States should intervene when necessary to protect its interests in Latin America # United States should intervene when necessary to protect its interests in Latin America

The Monroe Doctrine was designed to protect new democracies in South America?

Is it false that the Monroe Doctrine was intended to reduce the threat of interference in the affairs of the new Latin American republics. The correct answer is European.

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to protect American business interests. p.s/i.s.327 study island

When does president roosevelt declare right of US to intervene in latin america?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared the right of the United States to intervene in Latin America in his 1904 corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. This corollary, known as the Roosevelt Corollary, expanded on the original Monroe Doctrine and asserted the US's authority to intervene in Latin American countries to preserve stability and protect its interests.

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America could not protect the interests of Cuba.

What is the promise by the united states to protect latin America from foreign powers?

The Monroe Doctrine.

Why America enters the war?

America entered World War I primarily because of Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare, which led to the sinking of American ships and loss of American lives. Additionally, American public opinion was also swayed by Germany's attempts to make an alliance with Mexico and the famous Zimmermann Telegram. Lastly, a desire to ensure a more stable world order and protect American economic interests also played a role in America's decision to enter the war.