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Q: How did the Oslo peace accords differ from the camp David accords?
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What is the difference of Camp David and Oslo Accords?

the oslo accords was when the israel war was lost to germany

After the 1993 oslo accords the terrorist group Hamas increased attacks on Israeli targets why did this happen after Israeli and the plo signed the peace accords?

Hamas opposed the Oslo accords and wanted to undermine the PLO-Israeli peace process.

Did anwar sadat join oslo accords?

Nope. I think only Camp David Accords?

which statement accurately describes u.s foreign policy intentions during the signing of both the oslo accords and the camps david accords?

The United States tried to broker peace between Israeli and Arab leaders.

Which statement accurately describes U.S. foreign policy intentions during the signing of both the Oslo Accords and the Camp David Accords?

The United States tried to broker peace between Israeli and Arab leaders.

Who was the prime minister of israel when the israel-PLO Oslo accords were signed?

In 1994 Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat received the Nobel Peace Prize following the signing on the Oslo Accords, "for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East".

What were the two parties participated in the Oslo Accords in 1993?

The Oslo Accords was negotiated between the Israeli government and the Palestinian representative body PLO.

Which president signed the Oslo Accords?

Bill Clinton

Have there been any peace attempts to stop the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

There have been numerous attempts such as the Oslo Accords, the Taba Summit, etc. None have been effectual.

What happened at the oslo accords?

they tried to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

In 1993 which two governments signed the Oslo Accords?

israelis and palestinians

What was the Oslo Peace Process?

The Oslo agreement was a confirmation that Israel and the Palestinians would work towards a two state solution, especially over issues on the West bank. The agreement broke down when Arafat rejected dealing with Israel regarding the value of a two state solution. President Clinton arranged the Oslo accords.