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Its primary function was to facilitate land communication across the empire later copied by the American pony express.

Sections of this road were used for normal travel by foot, horse, donkey and wagon, however this was slow and expensive for anything beyond local travel - more than 50 miles. Sea and river transport was the preferred means for moving cargo and people where it was available.

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The Royal Road played a significant role in promoting cultural diffusion in the Persian Empire. As a vast network of roads spanning over 1,500 miles, it facilitated trade and communication among different regions and cultures. This allowed for the exchange of goods, ideas, and customs, leading to the spread of Persian culture and influences throughout the empire.

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What effect did the burning of Baghdad in 1258 have on the Islamic Empire.?

The burning of Baghdad effectively ended the Abbassid Empire and confirmed what most Muslims had already suspected for generations, which was that the idea of a unified Islamic World would remain an object of the past.

Why did the Greeks defeat Xerxes?

Xerxes was disturbed by the interference of the Greek city-states of mainland Greece who supported revolts by Greek cities within his empire. He bribed some cities in Central Greece ti fall into line, but the Southern city-stated refused, so he set out to subdue them and install friendly governments in them, and install a Persian governor to supervise them. This invasion was at first successful, getting as far as Athens, but his fleet was defeated by a combined Greek fleet at Salamis in 480 BCE. Elimination of the Persian fleet, which was the first strategy of the Greek alliance, took away the Persian amphibious threat to the Greek cities which had kept their armies at home to defend against this. The Persians were able to pick the cities off one by one. So the cities were now abled to send their armies out to join up and defeat the Persian army the following spring at Plataia, while their fleet finished off the Persian fleet at Mycale in Asia Minor where the remnant was holed up. Another effect of the naval victory at Salamis had been that the Persian fleet could no longer protect the Persian supply fleet which sustained the army, and half the Persian army had to go home, which gave the Greek army an edge against the reduced Persian army and it's Greek allies at the deciding battle at Plataia in 479 BCE. With the Persian main forces defeated, the invasion was over, and the war moved on to isolated engagements in the eastern Mediterranean over the next 30 years, until the Persians gave up and left the Greeks to go back to their usual fighting amongst each other.

What effect did Diocletian had on roman history?

The Emperor Diocletian was the one who created the Tetrarchy. The Tetrarchy was the division of the Roman Empire into four parts, with a co-emperors ruling over each quarter. Diocletian also oversaw the last period of persecution against Christians in the Roman Empire.

How did seas effect ancient rome?

Rome was (and still is) on the Mediterranean Sea. This is why the Roman Empire was centred on the Mediterranean. Rome conquered all the lands on the shores of this sea, which they called mare nostrum (our sea).

How did the the expansion of territory affect the Roman empire?

The expansion of territory gave the Romans colonies in various parts of Europe where they established Roman culture i.e. laws, architecture, and standards of living. Rome also was introduced to new products, foods, religions and cultures. Perhaps the biggest effect of the expansion was the accumulation of taxes which added to the empire's wealth.

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it has a negative effect cause all things are negative no matter what this is a life answer trust me

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it has allowed cultural diffusion to happen at a faster pace.

Why That cultural diffusion has a positive or a negative effect?

It has a little of both but it's more positive.Why its positive is because you can learn new things

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Athens turned the Delian League which it had led against the Persian Empire into an empire of its own, and used this power to try to oppress the other Greek city-states, leading to the devastating 27-year Peloponnesian War which it lost and was stripped of its empire.

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Some positive affects were that it helped feudalism to decline, increase trade between the middle east and it hepled spread cultural diffusion. =] your welcome