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Q: How did the Scopes Trial illustrate the rural-urban split in the 1920's?
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How did the Scopes Trial illustrate the urban-rural split in the 1920s?

The Scopes Trial represented a clash between rural fundamentalism and urban modernism. -NOVANET

How did the scopes trial illustrate the urban rural split in the 1920?

The Scopes Trial represented a clash between rural fundamentalism and urban modernism. -NOVANET

What was the famous court case of the 1920s?

One famous court case of the 1920s was the Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925. This trial centered around a high school teacher, John Scopes, who was accused of violating a Tennessee law by teaching evolution in the classroom. The trial gained national attention and highlighted the tension between science and religion in American society at the time.

What conflict did the Tennessee trial of John Scopes illustrate?

The Tennessee trial of John Scopes, also known as the Scopes Monkey Trial, illustrated the conflict between those who held religious beliefs, particularly creationism, and those who supported the teaching of evolution in schools. The trial highlighted the tension between religious fundamentalism and modern scientific thought in American society during the early 20th century. It became a landmark case in the debate over the teaching of evolution in public schools.

Who was on trial in the scopes monkey trial?

John T. Raulston was the judge in the Scopes trial.

What court case of the 1920s is associated with William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow?

The Scopes Trial In 1925 (monkey trial) Tennessee Trial. Bryan Representing The Parties Against The Darwin Theory Of Evolution. Darrow For Evolution.

How did the law change after the Scopes trial?

After the Scopes trial in 1925, state legislatures enacted more laws mandating the teaching of evolution in schools. However, anti-evolution laws persisted in some states until they were struck down by the Supreme Court in the 1960s. The trial helped shape public opinion and the legal landscape regarding the teaching of evolution in schools.

Where did the Scopes Trial happen?

The Scopes Trial, formally known as "The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes" took place in Dayton, Tennessee.

Why was the scopes trial known as the monkey trial?

Because John Scopes was teaching about the evolution of humans from apes (monkeys)

What does Scopes trial mean?

The Scopes trial refers to the "Scopes-Monkey" trial in which a high school Science teacher in Tennessee violated the Butler Act that made it unlawful to teach evolution in schools. He was found guilty.

Who Wrote speeches entitled The Menace of Darwinism and The Bible and its enemies?

Anti-evolution leader and prosecutor of John Scopes during the controversial Scopes' Trial William Jennings Bryan wrote and spoke the speeches "The Menace of Darwinism" and "The Bible and its Enemies" in the 1920s.

What or who was on the trial in the monkey trial?

John Scopes for teaching Evolution