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internal pressures and external pressures

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Jeremy Dooley

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Q: How did the Seljuks build their empire and what led to its fall?
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What two general factors led to the fall of the empire?

The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.

What did the eastern roman empire eventually come?

The eastern part of the Roman Empire became the surviving part of the Roman Empire. It was not affected by the invasions by the Germanic peoples which led to the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years. Historians have coined the term Byzantine Empire to indicate this part of the empire after the fall of the western part. The people in question did not know this term and called their empire Roman Empire.

Why did law and order break down in Europe after the fall of Rome?

The breakdown of law and order was a problem of the Carolingian empire which was established by Charlemagne in 800, some 300 years after the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire. This was due to the problem of succession. Following Frankish custom, the empire was partitioned among the sons of the dead emperor. This repeatedly led to wars between the sons, in which other close relatives also got involved. It created a complex web of wars around most of the empire. The constant state of war led to the breakdown of central power and law and order, the rise of feudalism and the fall of the Carolingian empire 88 years later.

What led to the Mongol Empire system of administering its territories led to?

a period of peace and economic prosperity

What contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire?

A number of things caused the fall of the empire. The social structure changed under Diocletian when he demanded that sons follow their fathers by staying in the same line of work. There were extreme robbery issues that deterred trade, rebellion within the army often led to the death of an emperor, disputes among religious beliefs, and barbarian raids all contributed.

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What two general factors led to the fall of the empire?

The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.The two very general factors that led to the fall of the empire are internal pressures and external pressures.

What changes led to the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire?

your mom was one of the only things that led to the down fall of the empire

Who led the spanish march into the Aztec empire in 1519?

Hernan Cortes was a Conquistador that led Spain into the Aztec Empire, and precipitated that empire's fall.

What changes ultimately led to the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire?

your mom was one of the only things that led to the down fall of the empire

What is a internal problem that led to the fall of roman empire?

Vote government

What led direcly yo the fall of the Aztec empire?

The invasion by the Spanish.

What led to the fall of the western empire?

Internal problems, the western empire being separated from the wealthier eastern empire, and outside invasions

What external problems weakened the Roman Empire that led to its fall?

The inexorable move of Eurasian peoples across the Empire.

How contributing factors led to the fall of the Persian Empire?

It was taken over by conquest by Macedonia led by Alexander the Great.

What developments signaled the end of postclassical era?

fall of the mongols and the fall of the byzantine empire which led to decrease in trade

What term describes japan ambition that led to its participation in world war 2?

Imperialism (the desire to build a large empire)

What led to the fall of the Chaldean empire?

weak kings, poor harvests, and decreased trades