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911 in a Nutshell:Nineteen al-Qaeda terrorist operatives trained and led by Mohamed Atta hijacked four US Commercial Airliners on 11 September 2001 in a plan created by Khalid Shiekh Mohammed in 1996 and approved and financed by Osama bin Laden.

American Flight 11 carrying 87 passengers and crew and 5 hijackers targeted the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 08:46 AM.

United Flight 175 carrying 60 passengers and crew and 5 hijackers targeted the South Tower of the World Trade Center at at 09:03 AM.

American Flight 77 carrying 59 passengers and crew and 5 hijackers attacked the Pentagon killing all on board and 125 on the ground at 09:37 AM.

United Flight 93 carrying 40 passengers and crew and 4 hijackers was intended to attack either the US Capital or the White House crashed in Somerset County, PA killing all on board.
Since a man named Osama Bin Laden was forced to suck pencils shavings out of a cup with lead, he had been pissed of so he wanted to bomb americans because he's stupid. He ended up mad at everyone who had to do with america. Shay McQueen, a famous african american reporter, was dating Osama Bin Laden. They almost got married until she broke up with him. He then swore to hate americans and convinced everyone from seperate places to hate americans too.

  • Well 9/11 was planned by this suspect named Osama Bin Laden he hired some terrorist and then he made them go to the airport in New York City and they got on their planes and the terrorist killed the pilot and 1 would drive the plane and they crashed them in The World Trade Center and many many children lost their dads on the flight and alot alot of people died on this terrible day that Osama Bin Laden planed we will never forget 9/11
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