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The Spaniards treated the Tainos in Hispaniola harshly, subjecting them to forced labor, violence, and disease. Many were enslaved and abused, leading to a significant decline in the Taino population due to harsh treatment and exposure to new diseases brought by the Europeans.

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Q: How did the Spaniards treated the tainos in hispanola?
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What are the differences between the Tainos and Kalinagos?

The Tainos were a peaceful Arawak people who inhabited the Caribbean islands, focusing on agriculture and fishing. In contrast, the Kalinagos (also known as Caribs) were a more warlike indigenous group who dominated the Lesser Antilles and relied on hunting and gathering. The Kalinagos were known for their fierce resistance to European colonization, while the Tainos were more open to interaction.

What slave work did the tainos do?

The Tainos were forced to work on Spanish plantations in the Caribbean, primarily in agriculture such as growing crops like sugarcane, cassava, and tobacco. They were also made to work in mines and as laborers in construction projects for the Spanish colonizers.

Why were the natives of hispaniola so pleasant to the Spaniards?

The natives of Hispaniola initially welcomed the Spaniards because they were curious about these newcomers and saw them as potential allies. Additionally, the Spaniards brought new technologies, goods, and knowledge that were beneficial to the natives. However, as the Spaniards' exploitation and mistreatment of the natives became evident, relations deteriorated.

Why did many Spaniards come to hispaniola?

Many Spaniards came to Hispaniola in search of wealth, opportunities for land ownership, and to participate in the exploitation of resources like gold and sugar. The allure of economic prosperity and the chance to establish themselves in a new colony attracted many settlers to the island.

How did the Spaniards dress?

The Spaniards typically dressed in clothing made from materials such as wool, silk, and cotton. They wore layers of clothing, including doublets, breeches, and capes, along with wide-brimmed hats and leather shoes. The style of dress varied depending on social status and occasion.

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How Columbus treated Native Americans?

Christopher Columbus treated the natives (Taino Indians) very poorly. Columbus killed many Taino people. He also ordered every Taino at the age 14 and older to find him gold. The poor Tainos looked, and looked but couldn't find enough gold. For not finding enough gold, Columbus punished the Tainos, and cut off their hands, and make them be slaves. Christopher Columbus was a very mean and scary person to the Taino Indians. The Tainos thought of Columbus as a villain coming to their land.

What was the tainos occupation?

The tainos occupations were fishermen,craftsmen and hunters

What did tainos do for a living?

the tainos fished farmed and hunted for a living

How did tainos worship?

tell me this answer why the tainos worship an sky and an earth

What did Tainos do?

tell me this answer why the tainos worship an sky and an earth