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Q: How did the US finally end the war?
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They drop it becausethey wanted the Japanese to surrender and would finally bring to an end to the war.

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The end of the second world war.

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they trolled them so they can finally enter the war

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The first unemployment crisis from the Depression ended with World War Two. when the US entered the war, millions of peoplpe were employed in factories and assembly lines for the war effort.

Spain relinquished what to the US at the end of the war?

Cuba, which was quickly granted independence with US mandated provisos, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines which after the Philippine American War and a period of occupation by Japan in WW2 finally gained independence.

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Trojan horse

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He was the Commanding General of the Union Army that finally put an end to the Civil War, where over 620,000 Americans died.

Reason why they bomb the Japan?

Because Japan declared war on the US, and attacked the US in 1941. They had been at war since then. Japan had refused to surrender. In August 1945 the US bombed 2 Japanese cities with one atomic bomb each- and Japan surrendered.

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Another world war

When did Lincoln finally issue the emancipation proclamation?

At the end of the civil war. (1865)