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Q: How did the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 and the Nullification crisis from 1832-1833 have similar motives to those opposed to the growing power of the national government?
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The national government

Many Americans wanted a strong national government after what?

After Shay's rebellion many Americans wanted a stronger national government. Shay's rebellion was an uprising that took place in 1786.

What rebellion highlighted the weakness of the national government under the articles of confederation?

Shay's Rebellion

After what did many Americans want a strong national government?

Shay's Rebellion

Shays' Rebellion united the colonies in recognizing a need for a strong national government.?


How did shays rebellion help change the national governent?

He encouraged the government to get stronger.

HOW DID SHAYSS REBELLION CALL attention to problems with the national government?

Military army

How did shays rebellion and the articles of confederation lead to a stronger government?

Shays rebellion showed leaders of America that the articles of confederation were too weak, and a strong national government was needed

How did shays rebellion show the weakness of the national government?

the united states did not have enough arsenals

What weakness in the national government did shays rebellion reveal?

SUCKER...... i want to know too

How did the national government respond to shays rebellion?

They could offer little help to Massachusetts.

Which episode during the Andrew Jackson presidency raised the question of how power would be shared between the states and the national government?

The Nullification Crisis