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Q: How did the aftermath get repaired from the two worst tornadoes?
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Are the American tornadoes the worst in the world?

They are generally the strongest but not necessarily the worst. The two deadliest tornadoes on record ocurred in Bangladesh. The tornadoes in Bangladesh are not necessarily stronger than thoese in the United States, but the lack of a warning system, high population density, poor construction methods, and a high rate of poverty in Bangladesh excacerbate the effects of natural disasters such as tornadoes.

How many categories do cyclones have?

the types of tornadoes are: super cell tornadoes, landspouts, and waterspouts.There are two main types of tornadoes: supercell tornadoes and landspouts. There ware waterspouts too, but these are essentially the same as the other two, only on water.

How long are tornadoes?

Tornadoes vary greatly in width, path length and duration. The average tornado is about 100 yards wide, lasts about 5 minutes, and travels two to three miles. The worst tornadoes can be well over a mile wide, travel for more than a hundred miles, and persist for an hour or two. At the other end, some tornadoes are only a few feet wide and last only a few seconds.

Can there be two tornadoes at the same time?

Yes, of course there can be two tornadoes at the same time.

How much impact does a tornado have?

It depends on the tornado. Most tornadoes are weak and don't last long. These tornadoes snap weak trees, break glass and damage roofs The very worst of tornadoes can travel dozens of miles and level or even completely blow away well built structures. Some of these tornadoes carve damage paths over a mile, or even two miles wide.

Can two tornadoes collide?

Yes. If two tornadoes collide they will merge to form one tornado.

What are two characteristics of tornadoes?

Tornadoes are rotating columns of air that extend from thunderstorms to the ground, with wind speeds that can exceed 200 mph. They are often accompanied by a visible funnel-shaped cloud and can cause extensive damage along their path.

What is it called when two tornadoes merge?

When two tornadoes merge, it is just called merging; there is no special term.

Which two months do tornadoes hit?

Tornadoes occur in all twelve months of the year, not just two. May and June are the most active months for tornadoes.

What type of tornado hit Texas?

Texas has the two types of tornadoes that can happen everywhere else: supercell tornadoes and landspouts. See the related link for details on this. In terms of intensity Texas has had tornadoes of all levels from F0 to F5.

What would happen if two tornadoes came together?

If two tornadoes come together they merge into one tornado.

Are there such things like double tornadoes?

There are multivortex tornadoes that at times can look like they are made up of two or more tornadoes