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Q: How did the algonquin use natural resources of the woodlands Name at least three ways?
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How did the Iroquois use the natural resources of the Woodlands name at least two ways?

They used birch-bark for making canoes They used elm bark for making long houses.

What are the natural resources in Guyana?

Guyana has a variety of natural resources including gold, diamonds, fish, and shrimp. Diamonds are the least available of the natural resources.

What are at least 5 natural resources that were available for the ancient egyptians?

it is your mom

What is Utah's natural resources?

Utah's least used natural resource is agriculture. Utah's most used money-making scheme is goverment/real estate/tourism.

How are natural resources handled in Canada?

Natural resources are handled by the Provinces in Canada. Though some have handed over control of some of their natural resources to Canada most are provincial. When you hear the term "Canada's Oil Sands" that is an attempt to claim resources belong to the Federal Government, at least the profitable ones from the West. You will not hear "Canada's Hydro Electricity in Quebec" which is rather telling. Some resources are Federal, namely those offshore and they are handled federally.

Is there a connection between Mexico's natural resources and the products they make?

Yes, they do. They help manufacture the products Mexico exports. At the very least, they are exported themselves, such as oil and silver.

What pacific island group has the least natural resources?

Can some one please stay on top of the Q! I need them for School and when its not answered I cant answer my Q!

How did the Iroquois used the natural resources of the woodlands Name at least three ways?

They used animals, wood and fertile soil the most. Wood- used for transportation, recreational games and shelter Animals- Clothing, turtle represents earth and iroquois calendar Fertile Soil- grew corn, beans and squash. corn made into dolls, smoked deer sking, women had 150 meals prepared with corn

Least natural number?

Least or smallest natural number is 1.

List at least 2 reasos japan began building an empire?

1: more natural resources 2: increase spheres of influence/ transition from imperialism.

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What were some natural resources the ancient Hebrews had?

Natural resources were not held in abundance by the ancient Hebrews. They settled in one of the least abundant areas of the world. They had the Jordan River and The Mediterranean Sea as resources. There was also fertile soil to the north. They're best resource was actually the Torah. It's not a cliché; the Torah drove them forward to do amazing things with one of the poorest areas on Earth.