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D D Velasquez

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Q: How did the artist spell Velazquez on his paintings?
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What media did Velazquez usually use in his paintings?

OIL paint on canvas.

What is the primary purpose of Diego Velazquez paintings?

To serve as a historical document.

What artist signed his paintings as tw?

what artist signed his paintings as t.w

Which artist is best known for his action paintings?

Jackson Pollock is the artist known for his 'action paintings'.

What artist signed their paintings with the signature Dennis?

The artist that signed his paintings with the signature Dennis, was Denis Dutton.

When did the Prado start collecting Velazquez paintings?

Velazquez was court painter to King Philip IV of Spain. This means that most of his works became the property of the king. The royal collections are now the Prado Museum.

Which of the following sentence uses the active voice A The artist is painting his third work B Three paintings were completed by the artist C The artist paints only three paintings a year?

The artist paints only three paintings a year.

What Nicaraguan artist painted fat woman?

Fernando Botero is from Columbia, not Nicaragua, but he does paint fat women. The Nicaraguan artist is Sergio Velazquez.

Who was a great artist prior to 1900?

Rembrandt, Velazquez, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael.

What are the names of some of Velazquez paintings?

The Rokeby Venus, Portrait of Pope Innocent X, Potriat of Philip IV, Las Meninas

Who is Barbara Smith artist?

Artist original oil paintings Queenstown NZ.

What happened when artist started using perspective in their paintings?

It allowed for more realistic paintings.