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Q: How did the astronauts on Apollo 13 make it back?
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Did Apollo 13 make it back to earth?

Yes apollo 13 did make it safely to earth with all the three astronauts.

How did the Apollo 13 astronauts get back to earth?


How did Apollo 13 get back to Earth?

The Apollo 13 astronauts used the lunar module to return to earth.

Did Apollo 13 astronauts survive?

Yes the Apollo 13 astronauts did very well survive the Apollo 13 blast.

What did the astronauts of Apollo 13 do to survive on the space shuttle?

The Apollo 13 astronauts were not on the space shuttle.

What kind of team work did they use in Apollo 13 to get them back safely?

Both N.A.S.a and the astronauts , worked very closely as well as tirelessly to get the Apollo 13 astronauts home and safe.

How many astronauts in Apollo 13?

3 astronauts on Apollo 13 one of them did not go up but he went up on Apollo 14.

Why didnt Apollo 13 make it to the moon?

The Apollo 13 astronauts failed to land on the moon as there was a oxygen cylinder explosion in the Apollo 13, a side blew off.

What happned to Apollo 13?

Apollo 13 on its way to the moon , exploded, and they used the lunar module to transfer the astronauts back to earth safely.

What did Apollo 13 prove about space travel?

Apollo 13 proved to the world that a damaged spacecraft can be brought back to earth, with the astronauts safe.

Why is Apollo 13 important?

Apollo 13 is very important as it showed the world that , we could bring a damaged spacecraft with the astronauts back from the moon.

Who were the astronauts of Apollo 13?

The three astronauts of Apollo 13 are James Lovell, Jack Swigert and Fred. W. Haise.