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Q: How did the baby boom era affect people?
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What era was the baby boom?


What is a baby boomer and when did they first start showing up?

The Baby Boom era is a population of people that were born between the years 1946 and 1964 in the United States. It is estimated that during this period of time, 79 million people were born.

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New Era i think :D

What best sums up the trend known as the baby boom?

a dramatic increase in birth rates during the post-World War II era

What era followed the Great Depression?

The baby boom generation was born after the Great Depression. They were known as the hippies so I suppose the Hippy era. also world war 2 was straight afterwards and actually was the reason the great depression ended

Who invented the disposable nappy?

hiMarion Donovan invented the disposable nappy, she was a young mother in the post-war baby boom era. She came from a family of inventors and inherited the inventing 'gene'.

Why was there a baby boom during the postwar era?

The baby boom during the postwar era was primarily due to a combination of increased economic stability, the return of soldiers from war, government support for families, and a cultural emphasis on traditional family values. These factors contributed to a rise in birth rates as families felt more secure and optimistic about the future.

Were the 1920 an era for economic boom or false prosperity?

false prosperity: because people were spending money that they did not have. (this was one of the main causes for the great depression)

Why is the cost of the social security program expected to increase in the next decades?

Social Security will increase as people in the large "baby boomer" generation, born between 1945 and 1964, start to retire.

What statement best sums up the trend known as the baby boom?

The baby boom refers to a significant increase in birth rates following World War II, particularly in Western countries. This demographic phenomenon led to a surge in the population of children born between 1946 and 1964.

Which statement best sums up the trend known as the baby boom?

The baby boom was a period of increased birth rates following World War II, lasting from 1946 to 1964. It resulted in a significant demographic shift as a large number of babies were born during this time, impacting various aspects of society such as education, employment, and economic growth.

How did the theatre and the play affect the people's health in the Elizabethan era?

That all depends on if the actors and or audience were affected with the bubonic plague.