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Q: How did the belzec concentration camp affect history?
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How many people died in the captivity of the Belzec Concentration Camp?

525,000 people died in Belzec Concentration Camp.

What type of camp was the Belzec camp?

Belzec was an extermination camp.

What is something about the holocasut that starts with the leter b?

· Belzec - Concentration camp in Poland. · Buchenwald - Concentration camp in north central Germany. Birkenau - Auschwitz II, the death camp.

When did Belzec extermination camp end?

Belzec extermination camp ended in 1942.

When was Belzec extermination camp created?

Belzec extermination camp was created in 1942.

What are the dates of operation for belzec camp?

Belzec extermination (death) camp started gassings on 17 March 1942 and ceased to function by 31 December 1942. In that time 434,508 Jews and an unknown number of Gypsies were killed there. It was the deadliest Nazi camp of all. There are only two(!) known survivors. (Note. A small 'ordinary' concentration camp existed at Belzec from 1940-41).

What word starts with the letter B that has to do with the Holocaust?

· Belzec - Concentration camp in Poland. · Buchenwald - Concentration camp in north central Germany. Birkenau - where the rooms in which more people have died than anywhere else ever are housed.

How many people lived in the belzec camp?


What were the years of operation of the Belzec concentration camp?

Gassings began on 17 March 1942. The last gassing took place in December 1942 (exact date unknown).

How did concentration camp affect Jews?

Generally speaking, they died.

What chemical killed the people in the belzec camp?

Zyklon B .