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Actually the plague was brought to Europe by Rats with fleas who carried the disease and once contracted by a human the disease became airborne. it takes about 3-7 days for it to kill you. symptoms are fever, painful swelling of the lymph glands also called buboes(thats how it got its name)red spots on skin that turned black and armpits would fill with blood sometimes the womans boobs would pop.

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It killed them in two different types of ways. Their was a Bubonic and Pnuemonic plague which both contributed differently towards death of those or so-called victims of the Black Death. Both plagues either resulted in boils and some of it was spread though rats and flies which eventually bit the humans.

For Pneumonic plague there was no chance of survival where as Bubonic had a 70% chance of death, however this deprecated during the Winter months.

These two plagues were the reasons why people died due to the Black Death.

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How many years did it take to kill 25 million people in the black death?

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No..Most of the people killed were Europeans, Caucasians, in fact.

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a week

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According to most scholars, the Black Death killed anywhere between 25 and 75 million Europeans.