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Q: How did the bubonic plague cause an industrial crisis?
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What is difference between pneumonic and bubonic plague?

Bubonic and septicemic plague are two of the three types of plague. The main difference between the two is that the bubonic plague cause extreme infection and swelling of the lymph nodes while the septicemic plague cause the body's clotting mechanism to stop.

What made plague frightening?

The speed that Bubonic Plague overtook its victims and the gruesomeness of the death were particularly frightening, especially when the cause was unknown.

Why has Australia never had the bubonic plague?

Australia has had the bubonic plague. The bubonic plague first hit Australia in January 1900 and continued through to July, when a major cleansing operation was conducted in Sydney. However, ships coming from overseas continued to cause more outbreaks of the plague in Australia right through to 1925. During this time, there were 1371 cases of plague reported, and 535 deaths.

What disease is spread by rat fleas?

The rats and fleas carried the black death ** Correction... Rat fleas carried the Bubonic Plague. There is still speculation as to whether the black death was actually bubonic plague as there are very many differences between the pandemics. One theory is that the black death was actually Ebola.

Names of bacteria or a virus?

The bacteria that is believed to be the main cause of Black Death (bubonic plague, pneumonic plague and septicemic) is yersinia pestis.

What cause the bubonic plague?

Ships were transported back from China which were carrying black rats (Infected Rats) and the fleas that lived on them sucked their blood and then sucked humans blood, therefore giving us the infected blood, therefore giving us the bubonic plague.

What did diseased rats cause in the middle ages?

Tthe bubonic plague - which killed a lot of people and that there was no cure for.

How did bubonic plague affect people in the medieval times?

The Bubonic Plague killed nearly 80 to 90 percent of the population killing 1 out of every 3 people. the cause of the plague were fleas which were carried by rats which lived on boats. The people didn't know what was causing the plague at the time and thought it was a message from God. Hope this helps!

Supernatural cause of black death?

The 'black death' is usually referenced to the bubonic plague in which fleas from rats infected many humans causing them severe sickness and resulted in death. The mortality rate for those infected with the bubonic plague was 30-75 percent.

What was the sickness that cause death to a fourth of Europe?

The black death! or bubonic plague symptoms were buboes fever rashes and nausea

What was the cause for peasant deaths in England in 932 AD?

The Bubonic Plague (also known as the Black Plague) caused death throughout Enlgand around the time of 932 A.D.

Which insect cause the bubonic plague disease?

A flea which had a bacteria in his saliva. When it bit a person a little saliva entered the wound.