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by building a canal

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Rosa Koelpin

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2y ago
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Q: How did the business and government officials plan to connect New York City with the Great Lakes region?
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Is Palestine a formal region?

Yes, Palestine is considered a formal region due to its well-defined boundaries, distinct cultural characteristics, and recognized government institutions, despite its complex political status.

What language do most people in this region speak?

The predominant language spoken in this region is [insert language here]. It is the official language and is widely used in everyday communication, business, and government activities.

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Some important people in the Cordillera Administrative Region are the regional governor, members of the regional assembly, local government officials, indigenous tribal leaders, and key stakeholders in the region's development and governance. These individuals play crucial roles in shaping policies, promoting cultural heritage, and advancing the socioeconomic growth of the region.

What is the smallest region in the Philippines?

The smallest region in the Philippines is the National Capital Region (NCR), also known as Metro Manila. It is the center of government, business, education, and culture in the country.

What is a region that does not have permanent residence or a working government?

A region that does not have permanent residents or a working government is a possession.

What is regional business?

A regional business is one that only does business in a certain region. An example of a regional business would be L.L. Bean which operates most of their stores in the New Elngland region.

What was The language of the universities and the government?

The language of the universities and the government will vary from region to region. This is called a national language.

What is a Region that does not have residents or a working government?

A region that does not have permanent residents or a working government is a possession.

What is a region that shares government?

a state

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Is there a region where people cannot connect to Xbox LIVE?

yes but i do not know what it is call

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During Reconstruction, the federal government, specifically the Union Army and federal officials, enforced the laws in the South. This was done to ensure that the newly implemented policies, such as the Reconstruction Amendments and civil rights laws, were upheld in the region.