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Q: How did the butternuts get this nickname?
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What is the nickname for the Confedarets?

There were many, but I remember one was "butternuts" due to their uniform color.

What is butternut reduction?

The reduction of butternuts.

Where can you buy butternuts online?

Butternuts can be found at any online grocery food store such as Amazon Grocery or Netgrocer. Better yet, specialty sites such as Native Nuts sell premium quality butternuts at slightly higher prices.

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in the civil war who were the butternuts?

Confederates - because of the colour of their uniforms.

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What were the confederate soldiers sometimes called?

The confederates were known as rebels in the war and were often referred to with the nickname "Johnny Reb". Alternatively, the Union soldiers were nicknamed "Yankees", "Yanks", "Billy Yank" and sometimes, "Butternuts" due to the coloration of their uniforms.

What is the bangle name of butternuts?

"butternut tree", "juglans cinerea" and "white walnut

Why were the husks of butternuts good for spinning cloth?

The husks of butternuts were like wood, it was used for carving or making furniture. Some people do use the husks to spin wool. The husks are very hard to remove though.

How are butternuts used i need a correct answer?

Butternuts are a type of tree that produces edible nuts. The nuts can be eaten raw, roasted, or used in cooking and baking to add a rich, buttery flavor. They are a good source of healthy fats, protein, and vitamins, making them a nutritious addition to various dishes.

A northerner who opposed the civil war was called what?

A Copperhead, A Peace Democrat or Butternuts.

Why were the Confederate soldiers called butternuts?

During the American Civil War, soldiers on both sides of the conflict earned (or suffered from) nicknames of various kinds. Because of the "butternut" color of their uniforms, Confederate soldiers could be called "Butternuts," in addition to many other nicknames heard during the war and beyond.