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Q: How did the calendar lead to Shang Dynasty achoevements?
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Lunar calendar is an old system to record time. Canada is a modern country with a blend of all sorts of cultures. So it is much more preferable not to use the lunar calendar as this could lead to different system of recording time.

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In 1911, the Revolutionary Alliance,a forerunner of the Kuomintang, succeeded in overthrowing the last emperor of the Qing dynasty.

Why did Wu wang lead a rebellion against the Shang government?

because he felt like it

Why were shang rulers powerful?

Archaeologists have unearthed long-buried walls and buildings. These ruins show that the Shang built the first cities in China. Among these cities was the royal capital of Anyang (AHN • YAHNG). A palace and temple stood at the center of the city. Public buildings and the homes of government officials circled this central area. Beyond the city's center stood workshops and other homes.The king was the most powerful person, serving as the political, religious, and military leader of Shang China. At first, Shang kings controlled only a small area of northern China. In time, the Shang conquered neighboring areas. They ruled over most of the people of the Huang He valley.As the Shang kingdom grew, kings sent out large armies to defend the kingdom's borders. They appointed people called warlords to govern local territories.Warlordsaremilitaryleaders who lead their own armies. Shang kingsreliedon the warlords to stay in power.Under the king, warlords and other royal officials formed the upper class. They werearistocrats(uh • RIHS • tuh • krats), people of noble birth whose wealth came from the land they owned. Aristocrats passed their land and power to their children or to younger family members.Most people of Shang China were farmers. There were much smaller groups of merchants, artisans, and slaves. The farmers lived in rural villages and worked the land that belonged to the aristocrats. They raised cattle, sheep, and chickens and grew grains, such as millet, wheat, and rice.People in Shang China worshipped many gods. The god Shang Ti ruled as supreme god over the lesser gods. According to legend, the gods lived in the mountains, rivers, and seas.The early Chinese both admired and feared the gods. They believed the gods could bring good or bad fortune. They attempted to please the gods by offering gifts of food and other goods.

How did the changes in technological Zhou dynasty lead to a larger population?

The changes made more farmers come to grow more crops

How did agriculture and farming contributed the golden age of the song dynasty?

Agriculture and farming will lead to more and good quality crops . With abundance of crops, trade will flourish and economy will be more prosperous. With a prosperous economy, people in song dynasty can lead better lives.1.) Have more money to buy things, lead comfortable lives. 2.) Abundance of crops; able to sustain body with food. (Hope this helps!)

What were the most populare Aztecs invention?

Popcorn, calendar wheels (which lead to the invention of clocks), chocolate and chewing gum. They also invented astrology.