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Q: How did the caste system affect lives in India?
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How did the caste system provide a sense of order in India?

The caste system in India provided a hierarchical structure that assigned individuals to specific social classes based on birth and occupation. This system helped maintain social order by regulating interactions and defining roles and responsibilities within society. It also provided a sense of identity and belonging for individuals within their respective caste communities.

How was the Indian caste system similar to racism in the US?

Both the Indian caste system and racism in the US are systems of social hierarchy and discrimination based on perceived differences in race or social status. Both led to systemic inequalities, limited opportunities, and social segregation for certain groups of people. Discrimination based on caste or race also led to stereotyping, prejudice, and violence against marginalized communities.

What fraction of the world's population live in china and India?

Approximately 36% of the world's population lives in China, while around 18% lives in India. Combined, these two countries account for over half of the global population.

How many homeless children in India?

I don't know how many people there are in India but we need to help them I don't know how many people there are in India but we need to help them I don't know how many people there are in India but we need to help them

Why is it strange for brock to leave where he lives to conduct reseach?

It may be considered strange for Brock to leave where he lives to conduct research because it can disrupt his daily routine, take him away from his support system, and potentially lead to additional expenses and challenges in a new environment.

Related questions

How did caste rules affect the daily lives of Indians during Maurya and Gupta times?

The Hindu caste system determined a person's profession and who they were permitted to interact with

Describe the caste system in India?

There are five levels: Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra, and Harijans. Each of these castes is referred to as a jati. People are expected to live the entirety of their lives within their castes; there is no change in fate. This system has been enforced in India for ages and has instilled a sense of expectancy in its people.

How did the caste system provide a sense of order in India?

The caste system in India provided a hierarchical structure that assigned individuals to specific social classes based on birth and occupation. This system helped maintain social order by regulating interactions and defining roles and responsibilities within society. It also provided a sense of identity and belonging for individuals within their respective caste communities.

How did the caste system structure people's lives?

they were crazy

How does caste system still affect India today?

The Caste system is basically how the consists of: Brahmins (priests), Kshatryias (rulers/warriors), Vaisyas (merchants/farmers), Shudras (servants/labourers), and Outcastes. In my opinion, the caste system affects the society by making the people more exposed to prejudice, stereotyping and other things. These differences in rankings often cause disputes within the society. However, how it affects the society depends on how you see it.

This religion practices a social caste system?

Hinduism has a caste system which they believe is determined at birth and based on existing Karma accumulated from previous lives.

How did the caste system effect the lives of Indian people?


How did Hindu belief supports the caste system?

Hindu beliefs about rebirth and karma are tied to the caste system. The Hindu people believe that a persons caste is a result of karma and that deeds in past lives are responsible for ones current position (in the caste).

How did caste rules affect the daily lives of Indians during Maurya and Gupata times?


How does globalisation affect peoples lives in India for kids?

by sexing it

How did the Hindu caste system affect village and family life in gupta India?

It divided people in higher to lower ranks and in the lower rank also known as the untouchables no one was allowed to communicate with the upper class people and were outcast and lived harsh lives. They were considered impure. Family life was affected by the caste system because upper class women have to cover themselves from head to toe and were largely restricted to their homes. The lower class women worked in the fields or did spinning and weaving. Finally, hindu's were to get married to people from the same caste.

How did caste rules affect the daily lives of Indians?

Hinduism contributed to India's two greatest features- political diversity and regionalism. The Guptas, for example, did not unify India's dialects into single language while China created a standard character system. During the Mauryan dynasty, India was under frequent attack by peoples on the northwestern mountain passes. As a result, classical India instead became a very well governed network of smaller kingdoms. The development of a rigid Hindu caste system lied at the heart of this stability. Separated into brahmins (priests), kshatriyas (warriors and aristocrats), vaishyas (cultivators, artisans, and merchants) and shudras (landless peasants and serfs), the caste system promoted tolerance, allowing widely different social classes to live peacefully next to each other, separated by social structure. Loyalty to caste superseded loyalty to any overall ruler. Moreover, Hinduism promised personal salvation, or in Hindu terms- moksha, to those who practiced the faith diligently.