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It allows people to travel into the Asian part of Russia.

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Q: How did the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railroad open up Siberia for development?
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Approximately how long is the Trans-Siberia Railroad?

5,000 Miles

Approximately how long is the trans siberia railroad?

5,000 miles

What does the trans Siberian railroad mean?

It is the railway line (and trains that run on it) that crosses Siberia.

Who completed in 1916 you extended nearly 6000 miles and greatly helped to develop siberia?

a railroad

What factors limit development in Siberia?

Siberia is a desolate place for development as the climate is harsh, the area is for the most part located in the northern and western part of Asia. The area is dominated by frozen tundra and very short periods of warm weather.

How has Siberia gained population and become more economically developed?

The Trans-Siberian railroad has allowed people and goods to travel more easily to the region.

Why think most Siberian towns and cities are located along the trans-Siberian railroad?

The reason why is that the trans Siberian railway is the only railroad and the only longstanding way to get across Russia. Putting a city far away from that link would make no sense, so they put them next to it so that they can easily get supplies and stuff. Also building roads in Siberia is very difficult because of the permafrost, so a railroad is more effective, though they do have a highway that crosses all of Russia including Siberia.

In the 1890s russia began building the trans-siberian railroad to link Russia with siberia true or false?

Yes, the aim was to link European Russia with the Far East.

What part of Russia is the coldest winters in the world?


Is siberia in the north of Africa?

No, Siberia is in Russia.

What is Siberia's population?

Siberia's population is around 30 million people live in the area of Siberia.

What is Siberia's western border?

Siberia's western border is the Ural Mountains.