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Q: How did the days of the week come aboutget their names?
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What are the names of days in the week?

The days of the week are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Are there Christian names for the days of the week?

Not in current usage.

Is a set of days with names containing x?

The empty set, if you are referring to names of days of the week.

Are names of weekdays proper nouns?

Yes, the names of the days of the week are proper nouns.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing.The nouns for the days of the week are the names of specific things.

Where did the names for the days of the week originate?

long time ago

Name the seven days of the week?

In English the seven days of the week are named Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. In Spanish the names of the days of the week are Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, Jueves, Viernes, and Sabado They have different names in other languages.

What are the days of the week and name the creation?

The names of the days of the week are different in each language. You must specify a language before a useful answer can be provided.

Are the days of the week nouns?

Yes, the days of the week are nouns. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. are proper nouns because they are the names for specific days.

How are Norse gods responsible for the names of several days of the week?

are so not cool :-(

Things that come in groups of 7s?

7 days in a week.

Which all days come in valentine's week?

hehe that's

What things come in sets of seven?

Days of the week underwear.