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After Mary Magdalene found the tomb empty, she told the disciples , who then came running to the tomb to see for themselves.

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The disciples felt scared , lonely and afraid ,that they may also be put on the cross like Jesus. And as Jesus was not there now they were more uncertain of their future.

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Q: How did the disciples respond to the world of the women about the empty tomb and the rising of Jesus?
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Who was the first person to find the tomb empty and went in to see jesus was'nt there?

She was Maria Magdelena who found the tomb of JESUS empty and then went to the disciples to tell them that she didn't find JESUS in the tomb.

Why was the tomb was empty?

Jesus' rising from the dead by the power of god lets us know that god can turn any kind of suffering into a grace fill opportunity for new life

What was Mary told to do after finding tomb empty?

In Matthew's Gospel, the angel who rolled away the stone told Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to go quickly and tell the disciples that Jesus was risen. On the way to tell the disciples, they met Jesus, who told them to tell the disciples to go to Galilee, where he would meet them.Mark's Gospel has a similar account. The tomb was already open when Mary Magdalene, the other Mary and Salome arrived. The young man they found inside the tomb told them to go quickly and tell the disciples that Jesus was risen and to go to Galilee, where he would meet them, but they ran away and told no one.In Luke's Gospel, the two men who were in the tomb told the women what had happened. They were not told to do anything, but nevertheless they told the disciples, who did not believe them.In John's Gospel, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb while it was still dark, but found the stone had been taken away. She did not know that the tomb was empty and spoke to no one, but ran and told Peter and the "disciple whom Jesus loved".

Why do some Christians that have an empty cross in the church have a cross with jesus on it?

The empty cross represents the Resurrection, for after Jesus died and was removed from the cross leaving an empty cross. He arose after 3 days.

Who told the disciples that Jesus had risen?

The women who went to the tomb early in the morning on the third day after Jesus' crucifixion were the first to encounter the resurrected Jesus. They were told by an angel at the tomb that Jesus had risen from the dead and instructed to inform the disciples.

Is the last supper line dominant?

Leonardo Da Vinci's painting of "The Last Supper" uses dominance to add depth to the depiction of Jesus and his disciples during the Passover Seder. Jesus is placed in a dominant position and the space setting him apart from his nearest disciples is emphasized. He is framed against the backdrop of the country. All objects before him are in order, all objects away from him are in disarray. The dominant position of Christ is emphasized by the empty space around him. This separation of space serves as a symbol of the solitary sacred action Jesus is willing to undertake.

What are the proofs that support Christ ressurection in the new testament?

The empty tomb is implied in the early tradition of the church. Paul gives an example of an early creed in 1Cor 15:3-7 which states Jesus was buried and rose again. Women were the discoverers of Jesus' empty tomb. Considering women in first century Palestine were low on the social ladder this is significant. Any legendary account would most likely have had male disciples discovering the empty tomb. This adds to the historicity of the account rather that its legendary status. The disciples were witnesses to the fact of the resurrection, look at Peters speech at Pentecost-- 'we are witnesses of the fact'. Nobody claimed that the tomb still contained Jesus' body. The burial / resurrection accounts in the gospels were written early after the events so are not subject legendary corruption.

What does Easter remember?

The Christian holiday of Easter celebrates a proof of the resurrection by the discovery of an empty tomb from which Christ arose. So the resurrection preceded the "first day of the week" which is reported.

What is the Significance of Jesus' resurrection?

A rising again; the resumption of vigor., Especially, the rising again from the dead; the resumption of life by the dead; as, the resurrection of Jesus Christ; the general resurrection of all the dead at the Day of Judgment., State of being risen from the dead; future state., The cause or exemplar of a rising from the dead.

What are diifferent Christian denominations and what do they believe about the resurrection?

All denominations of Christianity believe that Jesus rose from the dead. A few individual Christians may believe that Jesus did not literally rise from the dead, meaning that the disciples realized simply that death had not destroyed Jesus, but no modern denomination has this viewpoint as an official viewpoint. Jews say that the body of Jesus was taken away from the tomb on the night before Easter Sunday (thus the empty tomb), while Muslims say that Jesus was never crucified in the first place.

Why does the Catholic Church empty the font in Lent?

Catholic empty the front because they believed that Jesus Christ has not been risen.

Was Jesus' tomb really empty?

Yes. On the third day after his crucifixion, he rose again, and left the tomb. So it was empty :)