

How did the elephant adapted?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Dude I eat fried chicken every day and I even I can speak better than that.

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Q: How did the elephant adapted?
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How does elephant grass adapted in the savanna?

it has deeper roots

How has and African elephant adapted to its habitat?

It has big feet.

How is the elephant adapted in the UK?

It has learned an English acent and the love of tea and Harry Potter

How is an elephant adapted for protecting itself from predators?

make loud noises and run at animals and stamp on them

How has the African adapted to its environment?

i think it's because the African elephant uses it's ears to cool itself down

Do an elephant have a body part adaptation?

Their ears are adapted to blow away sand and dirt as well as to cool themselves down

What hunts the elephant?

Humans, and significantly large prides of lions. Tigers sometimes hunt unguarded calves. There is also a well known pride of lions, called the Savuti Pride in Botswana, who have adapted, and now specialise in hunting elephant.

How are elephant ears adapted to suit the environment?

They use their ears to cool themselves down, it also works as a big fly swatter, It gets rid of the flies

What is an elephant promise?

an elephant is an elephant , an elephant never breaks its promises

How does an elephant adapt to its habitat?

Elephants have adapted to their environment by being able to use their trunks to get food high off the ground. They can also flap their ears to stay cool, even in dry and hot conditions.

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What is the name of the outer teeth of an elephant?

I assume you mean the tusks, which are teeth adapted into protruding forward from the mouth. The tusks are used to dig for roots, and as a weapon when bulls are contesting who will mate with the cow elephants in a herd.