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You are asking about nearly 200 years of government. Today there are more advisors for the president and more cabinet members. Education didn't have a cabinet position until 1989 and with each cabinet come people working for the member holding that office. The amount of people is not necessarily an indication of a overloaded bureaucracy, but many of these people are experts in their areas. Good example of this is the state department. Many people working for state have been eliminated, but these were people who had worked across many presidents to insure that the government could deal with other nations and foreign affairs/governments. They have years of background and needed insight that we now need desperately.

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Q: How did the federal government's bureaucracy changed since Jefferson was president?
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How has the power of the bureaucracy changed over the last 200 years?

The power of the bureaucracy has changed in the last 200 years in that it has increased and become more powerful. Some of these changes have come about through amendments to the Constitution.

What amendment was enacted between Jeffersons terms in office?

The 12th amendment was ratified June 15, 1804 during Jefferson's first term, but in time to apply to the 1804 election when Jefferson ran for a second term. It changed the way in which the president and vice-president were elected.

What amendment changed the way the Electoral College votes for president and vice president to separate ballots?

Short Answer: The Twelfth Amendment. Long Answer: In 1800, Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr ran for president. It was implied in the Democratic-Republican party that Jefferson was to be president and Burr to be vice president. Each Democratic-Republican elector cast both votes for these men - one for Jefferson and one for Burr. This situation resulted in a tie between the men for presidency. After much dispute, Jefferson was given the presidency. The Twelfth Amendment, ratified in 1804, called for separate elections for each office (president, vice president, etc.).

Why did Herbert Croly think the US needed to reject Jefferson's views on government?

Society had changed since Jefferson's time.

Who did President Jefferson originally give the task of leading the expedition to?

Thomas Jefferson had dreamed of exploring the West for at least 20 years before he even became President. In 1783 he had asked William Clark's brother, George Rogers Clark, to take on the challenge. George Rogers Clark was a well-known Revolutionary War hero, and Jefferson felt he was very suitable for the task. George politely declined however, and Jefferson though such an expedition would never get off the drawing table, but that all changed after purchasing the Louisiana territory years later.

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What did Thomas Jefferson do as a US president?

he sent Lewis and Clark to explore the west and changed history

How was the federal government's bureaucracy changed since Jefferson was president?

You are asking about nearly 200 years of government. Today there are more advisors for the president and more cabinet members. Education didn't have a cabinet position until 1989 and with each cabinet come people working for the member holding that office. The amount of people is not necessarily an indication of a overloaded bureaucracy, but many of these people are experts in their areas. Good example of this is the state department. Many people working for state have been eliminated, but these were people who had worked across many presidents to insure that the government could deal with other nations and foreign affairs/governments. They have years of background and needed insight that we now need desperately.

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The President of the Confederate Republic, or states, was Jefferson Davis. The capital was located in Montgomery, Alabama, until 1861, when it was changed to Richmond, Virginia.

How Thomas Jefferson changed America?

Thomas Jefferson changed America by writing the declaration of independence

How has the power of the bureaucracy changed over the last 200 years?

The power of the bureaucracy has changed in the last 200 years in that it has increased and become more powerful. Some of these changes have come about through amendments to the Constitution.

Which US President was born with the name William Jefferson Blythe?

William Jefferson Clinton changed his name from Blythe to Clinton to honor his stepfather when he was 15. His father, William Jefferson Blythe II died 3 months before Bill was born

What amendment was enacted between Jeffersons terms in office?

The 12th amendment was ratified June 15, 1804 during Jefferson's first term, but in time to apply to the 1804 election when Jefferson ran for a second term. It changed the way in which the president and vice-president were elected.

What is Chelsea Clinton's middle name?

President Clinton's first name is Bill. He is married to Hilary Clinton who was a Senator and Secretary of State.

Why was the election of Thomas Jefferson as Vice President to john Adams a problems?

Jefferson and Adams were political rivals and differed sharply on several issues. ( In those days, the person who finished second in electoral votes was made the vice-president. This was changed in 1804 by the 12th amendment to the Constitution. ) Jefferson was the opposition candidate against Adams in 1796. His views on government differed from those of Adams in several important ways. However, in accordance to Constitution, he was made vice-president, having come in second in the presidential voting . The 12th amendment, passed in 1804 changed this method of election so that now the president and vice-president are from the same party.

Why was the election of thomas Jefferson as vice president john Adams a problem?

Jefferson and Adams were political rivals and differed sharply on several issues. ( In those days, the person who finished second in electoral votes was made the vice-president. This was changed in 1804 by the 12th amendment to the Constitution. ) Jefferson was the opposition candidate against Adams in 1796. His views on government differed from those of Adams in several important ways. However, in accordance to Constitution, he was made vice-president, having come in second in the presidential voting . The 12th amendment, passed in 1804 changed this method of election so that now the president and vice-president are from the same party.

Why was the election of Thomas Jefferson's vice president to John Adams a problem?

Jefferson and Adams were political rivals and differed sharply on several issues. ( In those days, the person who finished second in electoral votes was made the vice-president. This was changed in 1804 by the 12th amendment to the Constitution. ) Jefferson was the opposition candidate against Adams in 1796. His views on government differed from those of Adams in several important ways. However, in accordance to Constitution, he was made vice-president, having come in second in the presidential voting . The 12th amendment, passed in 1804 changed this method of election so that now the president and vice-president are from the same party.

Why was the election Thomas Jefferson as a vice president to john Adams a problem?

Jefferson and Adams were political rivals and differed sharply on several issues. ( In those days, the person who finished second in electoral votes was made the vice-president. This was changed in 1804 by the 12th amendment to the Constitution. ) Jefferson was the opposition candidate against Adams in 1796. His views on government differed from those of Adams in several important ways. However, in accordance to Constitution, he was made vice-president, having come in second in the presidential voting . The 12th amendment, passed in 1804 changed this method of election so that now the president and vice-president are from the same party.