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I seriously have no idea like ahhgshagahjsagd

sorry fer the unconvinice!

:P ♥

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Gracie Considine

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Q: How did the french try to strengthen their positions against the British in their relationship with the first nations peoples?
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How did the French try to strengthen their position against the British in their relationship with the First Nation?

I seriously have no idea like ahhgshagahjsagd sorry fer the unconvinice! :P ♥

How did the French try to strengthen their position against the British in their relationship with the first nation peoples?

I seriously have no idea like ahhgshagahjsagd sorry fer the unconvinice! :P ♥

How did the French try to strengthen their position against the British in their relationship with the First Nations peoples?

I seriously have no idea like ahhgshagahjsagd sorry fer the unconvinice! :P ♥

How did the French strengthen their position against the british in their relationship with the first nations people?

I seriously have no idea like ahhgshagahjsagd sorry fer the unconvinice! :P ♥

What was the relationship between the British and the French during World War 2?

They were allies against the Germans.

The Albany Plan of Union was proposed in order to strengthen the colonies against who?

The Albany Plan of Union was proposed in order to strengthen the colonies against the French.

What was the responsibility of the Continental Association?

The Continental Association was responsible for enforcing a boycott of British goods in the American colonies as a form of protest against British taxation policies. It aimed to unite the colonies in their opposition to British rule and strengthen their resolve for independence.

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mass of masonry built against a wall to strengthen it.

What was the purpose for Paul Revere's ride?

to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom

How did the mi'kmaq view the british?

The Mi'kmaq initially had a complex relationship with the British, often engaging in both cooperation and conflict due to the British colonization of their land. Over time, the Mi'kmaq were largely marginalized and oppressed by British colonial policies, leading to tensions and resistance against British authority.

What two choices did the colonists have concerning their relationship with Great Britain?

The two choices the colonists had were either to submit or rebel against British rule. As the relationship between the colonists and Great Britain began to strain, the British continued their policy of taxation without representation. This angered the colonials and ultimately led to the War of Independence. While many colonials had no choice but to surrender to British rule, it would be the rebels and patriots that rallied the masses against tyrannical British law in the colonies.

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