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Q: How did the great awakening affect America society?
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What is the great awakening and its effects on America?

The Second Great Awakening had an effect to the people by demostrating to build their lives better and improve society as a whole.

How did the great awakening affect America?

The preaching of the Great awakening did more perhaps to draw the colonists together so that our country (America) would truly become one nation under God.

What Old World events affect Americans?

Such as the American Revolution, and The Great Awakening. Those both affect and have affected America throughout her life.

Where was the first great awakening?

In America

What was an affect on the great awakening?

The great awakening resulted in a rebellion against the normal authoritarian religious rule.

Why was the great awakening so important to colonial America?

The Great Awakening was important,because it was when religious freedom was there

How did the Great Awakening affect politics?

It opened a vagina.

How did the great awakening affect religious?

The Great Awakening affected religious tolarance some people disagreed with changes it brought.

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How did the great awakening affect religious tolerance?

The Great Awakening sparked a renewed interest in religion and led to a more personal and emotional approach to faith. This emphasis on individual connection to God encouraged a more tolerant attitude towards differing interpretations of religious beliefs. The movement helped foster religious pluralism and diversity in the American colonies.

Why did the great awakening change colonial society?

The Great Awakening improved communication between the colonies, and it led to discussion of political and social issues.

Who was an important religious leader during the first great awakening?

The Great Awakening (called by historians the "First Great Awakening") was an evangelical and revitalization movement that swept Protestant Europe and British America, and especially the American colonies