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Both the Great Awakening and Enlightenment led to people wanting political equality and encouraged people to talk about political and social issue.

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Q: How did the great awakening and the enlightenment influence colonial society?
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How did the the great awakening and the enlightenment influence colonial society?

Both the Great Awakening and Enlightenment led to people wanting political equality and encouraged people to talk about political and social issue.

How did the great awakening and the enlightenment influence colonies society?

Both the Great Awakening and Enlightenment led to people wanting political equality and encouraged people to talk about political and social issue.

What effects did the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening have on colonial society?

The Enlightenment emphasized reason, science, and individual rights, which influenced ideas about government and society in the colonies, leading to calls for independence from Britain. The Great Awakening was a religious revival that sparked emotional and personal religious experiences, challenging traditional authority and promoting individual salvation and equality in the eyes of God. Both movements contributed to a growing sense of individualism, independence, and questioning of established authority in colonial society.

Why did the great awakening change colonial society?

The Great Awakening improved communication between the colonies, and it led to discussion of political and social issues.

How did john Locke's beliefs influence society?

Colonial Leaders

Where did the enlightenment ideas sweep through between 1550 and 1789?

European society and colonial America

How did the enlightenment ideas influence the new American society?

It gave American Society: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press, Equality, and Fraternity.

How did scientific findings influence Enlightenment ideas about government and society?

Scientific findings influenced Enlightenment ideas about government and society. The society became less religious and more secular. People also became more interested in astrology.

How does the second great awakening influence the young republic?

it gave the determination to better there lives and improve society as a whole.

Which is an example of the second Great Awakening's influence on society?

More people joined the antislavery and women's rights movements.

What did the great awakening and enlightenment cause?

While historically Enlightenment and the great awakening may have a different connotation, in today's perspective Enlightenment and the great awakening refer to the realization of the Truth. Even in the past centuries, when man realized certain wrongs in society, in religion, he revolted against what was going wrong, when he was enlightened to what should be right. Man was awakened because there were so much unfairness, there were so much misery, so much pain and sorrow and man was not willing to accept it. Therefore, there was this moment of enlightenment or the great awakening. But we have to go beyond the past which is over. What is Enlightenment in today's context? It is for us to overcome our ignorance. Awakening is to awaken to the truth and be liberated from all kinds of misery and sorrow.

What are the similarities and differences between the Great Awakening Movement and the Enlightenment Movement?

Both the Great Awakening and the Enlightenment were intellectual and spiritual movements in 18th century America. The Great Awakening focused on emotional, revivalist religious experiences and encouraged individual connection with God, while the Enlightenment promoted reason, science, and rational thinking as means to understanding the world. While both movements sought to challenge traditional authority and encourage personal empowerment, they differed in their approach to knowledge and the role of religion in society.