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Q: How did the great compromise resolve the issue of slavery and convince south Carolina and Georgia to join the US constitution?
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Which four Southern states were part of the 13 original states that approved the Constitution?

They are Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

Would Georgia and South Carolina have signed the US Constitution if slavery was to be abolished?

Most historians believe that the Georgia and South Carolina would not have signed the US Constitution if it called for the abolishment of slavery. Their economies and cultures were far too deeply involved in slavery as an institution.

What two states did not accept the Constitution for more than a year?

Alabama Georgia

Which state is between North Carolina and Georgia?

Between Georgia and what??? Between Georgia and Florida is well, nothing - they touch each other. Between Georgia and North Carolina is South Carolina. Between Georgia and Mississippi is Alabama.

What were the names of the origanal thirteen states?

The Names of the Original Thirteen Colonies if they were put into order would be,: Virginia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Connecticut, Maryland, Rhode Island, Delaware, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, New Jersey, South Carolina and Georgia. Jon McMullen FireFighter

Was Georgia part of Carolina?

There was a small part of Georgia which is now Georgia's shared state lines with Tennessee and North Carolina that was ceded to Georgia by South Carolina.

What were the southern colony?

Maryland,Virginia,Georgia,North Carolina, and South Carolina

What is the Georgia Constitution?

The Georgia Constitution is the governing document for Georgia. It outlines the three branches of government in Georgia.

Which states border the Carolinas?

North Carolina: * Virginia * Tennessee * Georgia * South Carolina South Carolina: * North Carolina * Georgia

Does South Carolina border North Carolina Georgia and Tennessee?

No but North Carolina and seven other states do.

What did Georgia's constitution of introduce?

Georgia constitution of 1777 introduced the first formal constitution that was drafted.

What is South Carolina better than North Carolina and Georgia?

Because South Carolina has a beach and North Carolina and Georgia don`t