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Ok then .... here's something to think about .... just toying with some possibles.


1. The Marians Trench has a gravitational pressure of some 15klbs/sq in.


2. Gravity as we know it is seemingly constant. But what if it were to

relax(25%)....then consequently water would expandand you would get

the welling up as fountains per Bible description of the Great Flood.

Certainly then water vapors would bound into the atmosphere where it

then would be subjected to temperature and would then condense and

fall back to Earth as RAIN .... Coincidently having Gravity returned to normal.

Very interesting.


3. So then the question becomes .... what would cause GRAVITY to change

25% abruptly eg. 40 days).


4. Hypothesis....A change in gravity might be caused by a large object that

came very close to the Earth.


5. Hypothesis....In the Ocean there are such coincident waves that occur

on a regular basis called ROGUE WAVES ..... Is it not possible that GRAVITY

waves could hypo-accumulate(as our solar system moves around the

Milky Way ... to wit crosses the Galactic Plane as it does during precession

every ~25,725yrs. Since no one was around the last time ... what should

we expect ?


6. Fact there is no evidence that Earth has added or subtracted to the total

water available in the amount that would substantiate the huge flood.


7. Rather that just reject the hypothesis...please help me to see if there

are any ways that there can be disruption to the effects of gravity.




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