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Q: How did the idea of Manifest Destiny and new agriculture equipment encourage western settlement?
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What did the manifest destiny encourage people do?

Manifest Destiny caused the American people to expand the nation westward.

What did the concept of manifest destiny justify?

It permitted American settlement on Indian land.

Was Polk's victory in 1844 was interpreted as a mandate for Manifest Destiny and led directly to the annexation of Texas and a favorable settlement of the Oregon dispute?


How did the US government encourage expansion?

Because the 59=the problematic theary of bananas

Manifest Destiny pushed westward expansion by?

the settlers pushing the natives out of their land and taking the natives land. passing laws designed to make settlement easier.

The major impetus behind war with Mexico came from?

Expansionists who saw the concept of Manifest Destiny as a reasonable goal for the US. Democrats interested in territorial expansion, especially for cotton agriculture.

Why was the settlement in Oregon important for the United States?

The Oregon was important to the United States for one reason. The Oregon brought British and American together as a region.

What is when Americans thought they had the right to expand from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean?

Manifest Destiny.

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What is the root and suffix of manifest?

The Suffix Of Manifest Is Man

Who made the phrase manifest destiny famous and what did that phrase mean?

John L. O'Sullivan and Manifest Destiny is a term for the attitude prevalent during the 19th century period of American expansion that the United States not only could, but was destined to, stretch from coast to coast. This attitude helped fuel western settlement, Native American removal and war with Mexico.