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They developed cattle with legs shorter on one side.

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Q: How did the incas cope with he steep slopes when it came to farming?
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Who came first the Aztecs or the incans?

the Aztecs came before the incas the incas took over the Aztecs.

Who took control of the Incas and killed them?

Dogs came in with ferice and attacked them to control the incas the incas are know ran by dogs

Which civilization came before Incas?

The Hauri and Chimu 3000 years before the Incas.

Where did the name Inca come from?

Incas came from "warriors"

Which came first spartan vikings or Inca?

The incas

Class structure From where did the incas believe this authority to rule came?

From rulers

How did the Incas come to America?

they came by boat or something

Did the Incas come from Asia?

Yes. They came from Israel in 500BC to Peru.

What was human envirement like for the Incas?

The Incas lived in a diverse environment that included mountains, valleys, and coastal regions. They adapted by employing terraced farming to grow crops like corn, potatoes, and quinoa. They also developed an extensive road network to navigate the challenging terrain and built sophisticated irrigation systems to support agriculture.

How did the Incas disappear?

The Spain Colonist came and they had disease . Soon they were around the Incas a lot and they soon had the disease they couldn't cure it so they died out

What do you remember the Incas for?

The incas were very brave people as most results you will get on the internet becasue it is a very true fact. They came up with refridgeration.

What was the difference between the Incas and the European?

The Incas were a Native American tribe in Mexico and lived by their culture while the Europeans came to enslave the people they found and take their land.