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Civilizations were able to develop because there was an excess of food and other people could specialize in other things.

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Devon Smith

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Q: How did the introduction of agriculture affect early people's?
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What was the effect of agriculture on the way of life on the early peoples?


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It led to migration

How did agriculture change the ways of early peoples?

The adoption of agriculture by early peoples led to the development of permanent settlements, an increase in population density, social stratification, and the emergence of specialized labor roles. It also allowed for a more reliable food supply, which enabled societies to grow and expand in new ways.

How did agriculture change the life of early peoples?

Agriculture allowed early peoples to settle in one place, leading to the development of permanent settlements and the growth of populations. It also enabled societies to produce a surplus of food, which facilitated the division of labor and the advancement of technology. Additionally, agriculture created social hierarchies and systems of governance that shaped the organization of early societies.

Did advances in agriculture enable early peoples to form permanent settlements?

Yes, advances in agriculture, such as the development of crop cultivation and animal domestication, provided a more stable food supply which allowed early peoples to settle in one place instead of constantly moving in search of food. This led to the establishment of permanent settlements and the development of complex societies.

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What are two beneficial effects of technology?

1. A variety of new technology have greatly improved peoples lives. 2.some of the most important early inventions were in AGRICULTURE.

How did the yearly flooding of several of the region's rivers aid early peoples?

Yearly flooding of rivers facilitated the replenishment of nutrient-rich soil for agriculture, supported the growth of crops, and provided easy access to water for irrigation. Additionally, the floods helped to control pests and provided a natural means of transportation for early peoples.

How did agriculture affect early people?

The development of agriculture allowed early people to transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities. It provided a stable food source, enabling population growth and the establishment of permanent settlements. Agriculture also led to the development of more complex societies, specialized labor, and advancements in technology.

What is The Prehistoric Peoples?

Prehistoric peoples refers to ancient human populations that lived before written records were kept. They existed during the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods, using stone tools and eventually developing agriculture and settling in communities. Studying prehistoric peoples helps researchers understand human evolution and early civilization.

How did the agriculture change the lives of the early people?

the development of agriculture change the way of early people lived because they grow their own food

Why did the early peoples find to new food sources?

The early peoples settled in one place and needed to find more food