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Paper was a cheap, easily produced medium on which to record writing, without the need for specialized tools or inks. Knowledge became easier to disseminate, and spread much more rapidly as a result.

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Q: How did the invention of paper change civilisation?
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Why is paper an important invention?

Paper is important because it allows for the storage and dissemination of information, making communication more efficient. It is versatile, lightweight, and inexpensive, making it a widely used medium for writing, printing, packaging, and many other purposes. The invention of paper has played a key role in the development of literacy, education, and the spread of knowledge throughout human history.

How did life change because of the invention of paper?

because they could rite and stuf what ever ha ha buda buda

Why was paper an important invention?

Paper was important because it enabled mass communication, document preservation, and record keeping. It facilitated the spread of knowledge, ideas, and information, contributing to the advancement of society and culture.

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I would say Paper because for me there has not been one day where I have not seen a pice of paper and that invention led to the creation of paper money

What is China's most famous invention?

Probably paper and toilet paper.

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After invention of paper .

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What invention did computers replace?

pencil and paper

Is paper an invention?

Yes it was invented by the Chinese

5 letter word for a Chinese invention?

If it is a particular Chinese invention, then most likely paper.

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the invention the could change the world would be the teleporter