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Q: How did the invention of the microscope contribute to our understanding of living things?
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How did invention of a microscope contribute to scientist's understanding of living things?

to see micro organisms

How did the invention of the microscope contribute to knowledge about living things?

It helped us by it allowed us to see microscopic organisms better.

How did the invention of the microscope affect scientists understanding of living things?

it made them see deeper into the object to see what it is made of and more

How did microscopes contribute to knowledge about living things?

How did the microscope contribute to knowledge about living things?

How did the invention of the microscope affect scientists understanding of the living things?

The microscope helped Scientists see some things for the first time. We learned that we're made of trillions of cells and because of that have ventured into many new fields of sceince

How did the invention of the microscope affects scientists understanding of living things?

By being able to see cells and microbes, humans were able to unerstand that we are made up of tiny parts that form larger ones.

How the invention of the microscope affects scientists understanding of living things?

By being able to see cells and microbes, humans were able to unerstand that we are made up of tiny parts that form larger ones.

Why do biologists continue to use the light microscope since the invention of the electron microscope?

Because you can examine living samples, the electron microscope can only examine killed samples.

Which invention allowed us to discover cells?

Robert Hooke is credited for discovering and naming the cells found in both living and dead organisms. Using the bark of a cork tree, he was the first to see cells under a microscope.

What are the interrelationship among living things that contribute balance of nature?

how understanding of the interrelation ships among living things contribute to balance of nature

What did people believe before the invention of the microscope?

Before the invention of the microscope the people believed that the diseases were caused by spiritual effects. In medieval times the people believed more in the church than in science. After the invention of the microscope, people took a step back and look what has caused the diseases to occur. We would not be living the way we do now, because more and more diseases would occur and it would be the same Bubonic Plague over again.

How did the invention of the microscope contribute to the knowledge about living things?

It helped us by it allowed us to see microscopic organisms better.