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Q: How did the kshatriya's treat other people?
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How did kshatriyas live?

kshatriyas.......we cant say this is the place in India where they lived.....kshatriyas are people who indulge themself in wars and all in ancient times.......they form the army and are the strongest race........

How did people treat him and other people?

they treat people becaue they need to

How do you create equality?

Treat other people as you would have them treat you.

How people treat you deflects how you treat someone?

this can reflect you treatment of other people because you could: a. treat people the same as people have treated you b. or treat people as you would treat your most favorite person in all history

Do people treat other people fair?

no.! they dont.!

Why did kshatriyas dress fancy?

they dressed fancy to show people what caste they are

What was the vaishyas behavior towards others?

If you are a vaishya, other people in your caste should treat you good and respectfully. If you are a vaishya, brahmans and kshatriyas might not treat you as well as people in your caste. Shudras wouldn't be treated very well by many people in the higher castes than them.

Name the kshatriya communities which were exterminated by Parshuram?

Ans: Kshatriyas....puragiri kshatriyas(perika) and Kshatriyas all are one

What is the highest caste out of kshatriyas Sudras Valsyas or Untouchables?

There is no hierarchy in castes; all individuals are considered equal. Caste discrimination is illegal in India. Each person should be treated with respect, regardless of their caste.

What it means to treat other people with respect?

It means to be kind to another person. Treat people how you want to be treated!

What types of jobs do Kshatriyas have?

they were assigned protection of the realm and were admitted into armies. kshatriyas were also assigned the job to rule the realm and take care of its people.

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