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Q: How did the lives of the first settles change when they settled the Tigris - Euphrates valley?
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Tigris and Euphrates rivers change life in Misopotamia by madeing life possible in a dry region.

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the course changed because the consequences

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The nomads have to change to become settled by not following the buffaloes and saving a lot of food so they can stay in one place for a long time before they can change into another shelter and place.

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The ascent of 'civilized' society had much to do with the change from hunting and gathering for food to agriculture. As it happens, the first known people to make that change were Natufian tribes who lived in the area that is now Israel and Lebanon. The sedentary lifestyle, the switch to agriculture and the building of villages and later on of cities spread from there, and into the fertile crescent for the very reason that is WAS fertile and very suitable for agriculture.

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The change from nomadic herding to settled farming.

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they wanted to change the church

What was the change from nomadic herding to settled farming called?

The Neolithic Revolution :)

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Which change in a stream causes deposition?

A stream deposition occurs when, in the lower reaches, the flow of water (speed of flow) is reduced. Which is when the heavier sediment falls out and settles on the river bed.