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Q: How did the members of the black community of In 1954 President Dwight Eisenhower set forth his theory suggesting that the fall of Indochina to communism could lead to communist takeovers in all the n?
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Which helped get Eisenhower elected in 1952?

Eisenhower was a popular World War II general who had patriotic appeal. He confidently promised to end the Korean War and strongly resist communism.

What American politician became vice president because he opposed communism?

Richard Nixon is an American politician became the vice president of the United States because he opposed communism.

What was Eisenhower's policy towards the Middle East called?

Dwight D Eisenhower inherited a nation ravaged by depression and two decades of war including World War I, World War II, and the Korean War. Eisenhower intended to end The Korean War and create a time of peace. The United States under the Eisenhower administration developed what was designed to be an aggressive policy in which the United States would uses "massive retaliation" and "liberation" tactics to discourage Communist interference in American affairs. This policy was called the "policy of boldness" by Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles (Bailey, Cohen, and Kennedy 918). The foundations of the "policy of boldness" rested in the prevention of the spread of Communism, the liberation of nations suffering from Communism, deferred funding from Armed forces to nuclear weaponry, and war as a last resort. The Eisenhower administrations based their foreign policy on the principles aforementioned in "policy of boldness" as seen in the actions taken during the Suez Crisis, Castro's revolt, and the fall of Dienbeinphu. The United States was extremely concerned at the events unfolding in Indochina in a crucial base in Dienbeinphu.

What was the US promise to support countries against communism?

Marshall Plan, Truman doctrine and I guess you could include the Eisenhower Doctrine as well.

What was the Reagan doctrine?

The Reagan Doctrine aimed to prevent the spread of communism.

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In 1954 President Dwight Eisenhower set forth his theory suggesting that the fall of Indochina to communism could lead to communist takeovers in all the nations of Southeast Asia?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

What At first president Eisenhower would not send what to Indochina fight communism?

military aid

At first President Eisenhower would not send to Indochina to help fight communism.?

military aid

Why did president eisenhower want to use covert operations to combat the spread of communism?

President Eisenhower want to use covert operations to combat the spread of communism because he was convinced that if he pushed the Soviets to the point of war they would back down.

When President Eisenhower referred to the domino theory he specifically had in mind one country which he thought would be the first to fall to communism in Asia. What was that country?

The country that President Eisenhower believed would be the first to fall to communism in Asia was Vietnam.

President Eisenhower’s belief that the fall of one nation to communism would lead to others was?

The Domino Theory

Who coined the term for the one country Falling communism causing others to fall with it?

President Eisenhower, the "Domino Theory".

According to the domino theory why did president Dwight d Eisenhower continue Harry Truman's support for the French in Vietnam?

President Dwight D. Eisenhower continued Harry Truman's support for the French in Vietnam because he believed in the domino theory. The domino theory suggested that if one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would also follow. To prevent the spread of communism in Southeast Asia, Eisenhower believed it was necessary to support the French in their fight against the communist-led Viet Minh.

Indochina after fall of south Vietnam?

Laos and Cambodia fell to communism.

What sequence of events does Eisenhower predict could possibly result from Indochina becoming a communist nation?

no fair trade, spread of communism through all of the asian rim, world war iii, strength of american military would increase

Who came up with the domino theory and what was it?

It was President Dwight D. Eisenhower "coins one of the most famous Cold War phrases when he suggests the fall of French Indochina to the communists could create a "domino" effect in Southeast Asia." This domino theory became the way of thinking toward Vietnam.

How did the stalemate in Korea impact the U.S. political scene?

The American people voted the Democrats out and Eisenhower president in 1952, and became more worried about communism.