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I'm a straight A math student so I thought, why not help you with your math homework...So I'll give you the answer to the riddle. The answer is: S-T-R-A-I-N-E-D your welcome! Ask me more questions. I guarantee I'll get them right!! (:

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Q: How did the mouse feel after the cat chased him through the window?
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What does it mean when you dream your husband is being chased by a mouse?

Dreams are about the dreamer, so the challenge here is to determine how the dreamer is represented in this dream. Is the dreamer the mouse? Does she feel tiny, weak and insignificant next to her husband, unable to attract his attention? Or does she feel that he is terrified and running from her tiny, insignificant self? Alternatively, the dreamer might identify with the husband, and feel that they both are being harassed by some problem that is not worthy of their notice - tabloid papers, for instance, or trivial complaints by neighbors.

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obviously you are looking through a window on a sunny day. you may feel hapiness or warmth. or both.

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What does a mouse feel like?

Smooth sort of rough.

Does a mouse feel pain when dying?

Yes, it has nerves just like we do so it can feel pain.

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Slide the hook end of the slimjim between the window trim and passenger window. Feel around until you feel the lock rod.

Does whaling hurt the whales really badly?

Yes - whaling is non-humane. They are stuck with harpoons, which cut open their flesh. They take hours to die while being chased through the ocean. Whales are mammals and feel pain in much the same way as you and I.

Common terms people say when using a mouse?

1.OMG its a huge mouse hehehe... 2.I love this mouse i feel like a king on my minion 3.Ure tail is electric

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a figuritive languge used in percy jackson is he was as scared as a mouse chased by a lion.

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my guinea pig do not feel good i left the window open and i was cold in my home

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feel it up

What does Lennie not have in is pocket?

A penny, money and a mouse that's alive; he always has a dead mouse in his pocket because he likes to feel the fur every once in a while.